From this page you can access all our free stuff.
We provide "teaching" versions of our software, tutorials to help you get started,
and lots of different data sets for you to analyse and learn from.

NEW NEW!!!! All this and more in Dropbox. Please let us know if there are any problems with this link.

If you can't find what you are looking for, please email us
If you are interested in purchasing or renting the full software, books or training click here.

Note from Isobel: All demo software
has been uploaded on 18th April 2010
Please email me if you have comments, suggestions, or find any bugs.

Please note that these are software tutorials, not teaching material for geostatistics.
Eight tutorials are provided online:

Tutorial subject

Link to html version

Link to pdf version

Normal statistics

Normal (Gaussian) statistics

Normal (Gaussian) statistics

Lognormal statistics

lognormal statistics

lognormal statistics

Spatial visualisation

spatial visualisation

spatial visualisation

Geostatistics - semi-variograms (2D)



Geostatistics - kriging (OK) - 2D

kriging (OK)

kriging (OK)

Geostatistics - semi-variogram with trend (2D)

semi-variogram with trend

semi-variogram with trend

Geostatistics - kriging with trend (UK) - 2D

kriging with trend (UK)

kriging with trend (UK)

Geostatistics - semi-variograms in 3D



Geostatistics - kriging (OK) in 3D

kriging (OK)

kriging (OK)


Practical Geostatistics 2000 teaching software [860Kb]

Kriging Game/Teaching Software [671 Kb]
Isobel's old kriging game updated and extended. Let us know what you think.
Reads any Geostokos format, Geo-EAS or *.CSV files.

Practical Geostatistics 2000 Data Sets
These data sets are featured in Practical Geostatistics 2000
and can be analysed with any of the demo programs.

Small data files [81KB zipped]

Large data files >10,000 samples [482KB zipped]



EcoSSe demonstration software [878Kb]
a copy of the EcoSSe software restricted to analysing the PG2000 data sets (and with a few grayed options)


Geostokos Toolkit demo software [880Kb]
Demo version of the full Geostokos Toolkit, restricted to PG2000 data sets and with some grayed options.